Meet Your Program Partners

To facilitate communication between your course mates, and arrange ride shares for the in person training, we have set up a WhatsApp group. Each of you have been sent an invitation to join the group, FHLC September 2024. If you need any assistance getting connected on WhatsApp, please let us know.

Ada Castaneda
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Good afternoon fellow partners,

My name is Ada Castaneda and I have come to a point in life where I strongly hear & feel the calling of my heart’s desire for expansion & meaningful expression in the service of Truth. 

Divine guidance comes in many forms…it meets us in whatever junction in life we find ourselves in and communicates with us through whatever task we find ourselves doing.

As a self-taught Visual Artist and through many years of practicing this craft – I have become receptive to a Divine Intelligence that becomes very present whenever I express myself creatively, resulting in a feeling of pure joy in knowing the Truth – the Truth that I am not alone! 

This inner knowing has resulted in a joy that has been carried forward through the years and now permeates all compartments of my life. 

My goal as a Holistic Life Coach is to teach others how to tune & tap into this Divine Frequency in a way that can be understood and practiced in a personalized manner; thus, assisting others in reaching their greatest potentiality. 

Alan Cohen is a great example of what it is to live a life with purpose and I am looking forward to hearing his wisdom & learning new skills that will take me to the next level.

I am looking forward to meeting you all!

Alena Zhaliazniak
Idstein, Hesse, Germany

Hi everyone,

I go by the name of Alena, with an unpronounceable, to the impatient, last name Zhaliazniak. The last name means ‘made out of iron’, and I have never wanted to change it. It reminds me of the country of Belarus where I was born. But also, how everything seems to have two sides – even iron, with all its strength, is always susceptible to the power of change that water brings.

I do not have a set plan for this training, or for a career in coaching yet. In fact, I have been very insistent to myself and others up to now that I will never make a good “healer” because I don’t have the patience. But I was drawn to this course and have surprised myself since I signed up with envisioning possibilities and directions where this training can lead me to. However, even if the outcome is that I am a better mentor to my friends and family, to me it is a worthy cause to pursue.

Cristina Viviani
Lions Bay, British Columbia, Canada

Hello Everyone, 

My name is Cristina Viviani. 

Over the years, I have taught Architecture, Graphic Design, Ceramics and Conscious Dance. Since the early 1980’s, I have been engaged in spirituality and have also worked in metaphysical bookstores. More recently, I completed an Energy Healing Certification, a Reiki Master and facilitate an ongoing intuitive coaching circle. So far, my life has been a gift, sometimes in disguise, sometimes challenging to unravel and sometimes remains a mystery. Well-being, intuition and living an aware awake life are my passion. Walking, dancing, reading, nature, cooking, engaging conversations, and improvisation nourish my soul.

From this program, I would like to learn and practice effective coaching tools and skills. I would like to build confidence holding space for well-being without losing my center. Since early on, I have been a good channel for creative projects. Now, my calling has been to open this channel to be of service. Trusting my ability to communicate better and meeting people where they are at would be a blessing. Also, I would love to share, support and practice what we have come here for as a group. 

Seeing people move from living out of fear/misery into living as love/joy would be incredibly fulfilling. I would like to use my skills to help people live into what is most true and authentic for them. Sensing unlived potential longing to express itself (or expressing itself in hurtful ways) is perhaps the most painful thing I experience. Ideally, I would like to feel confident guiding people to live into the light, love, joy, ease and well-being that we are by trusting and following inner/source guidance. I’m looking forward to traveling on this part of life with you.

Deborah Christensen
Ankeny, Iowa, USA

Hi Everybody,

I’m so happy to be part of this program and am looking forward to meeting all of you! Here’s a little bit of my history.

I was born and brought up in an affluent suburb of Chicago, and was always a bit of a rebel. As a teenager I began reading Jack Kerouac, Lawrence Ferlenghetti, and other Beat Generation poets and authors. Their musical-magical language sparked and shaped my own restless in the late 1960’s I was On the Road and off to San Francisco to be part of the flower child/hippie experience— which was mystical, thrilling, and amazing–until it wasn’t. Addiction to heroin marked the end of “peace and love” and has informed the rest of my life. After ten or so years on the streets, I started recovery, went to college, studied classical languages and literature, became disillusioned with academia, and finally followed a clear desire to be of service to others by entering the helping professions.

Since then I’ve worked as a counselor specializing in addictions and related disorders. In 2019, however, I suffered a stroke which affected my left side, making me dependent on a walker for mobility. I retired at that point, only to realize how very much of my identity was built around being a counselor. Who was I after that was gone? So much grief and loss continues to be related to all that was vaporized in a single moment: my profession, riding my horses, running my dogs in the desert, the joy of getting out into nature… Suddenly my life was narrowed, cramped and lacked meaning and purpose. 

Until now I’ve been unable to fill that void. I long for fresh challenges, a renewal of my spirituality, and to finally be of service by helping folks once again. And so it is that life coaching may be a perfect fit.

Dev Lingadevaru
Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

Hi there,

Being a spiritually inclined individual, I would like to bridge the gap between what I know and what people need. I know there is a great deal of help needed for people for various challenges they are going through in life. If I’m able to understand them whether through their words or body language or other means then I can offer them help! I see this coaching training as a means to learn this! Learning from experienced teachers and interacting with like minded people can certainly help me in enhancing my skills in the right direction for the future.

I also see this course as a means of self development so that I get to know myself better and better. I strongly believe that there is so much depth to who we are and it takes a whole life to discover that.

Along with all the above I like to learn some practical aspects such as how do people get to know me so that they can reach out to me, if I need to set up a business in this field how do I do that or can I affiliate with an existing business of this kind and also what is reasonable service fee that can be charged for these coaching sessions.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Best Wishes


Hazel Patel
Portland, Oregon, USA

I’m excited to delve into this journey with you all, learn lifelong skills, and continue to grow into the best version of myself. I wanted to do something to help both myself, loved ones and others (in the future) all while remaining heart centered and with the most pure intentions of bettering the lives of those I have the privilege to coach and interact with.

Currently I’m going through a life transition (separation, divorce, and career change) which has been quite the journey but also a profound and magnificent learning experience. I’m currently working on meditation techniques for nervous system dysregulation and I’d also like to release limiting beliefs around career change and income, societal and cultural conditioning, fears, and anxieties. I am excited for the future possibilities!


Jessie Wei
Florence, Massachusetts

Hello everyone!

After dedicating twenty-five years to medical training and practice, I find myself at an exciting new crossroads after quitting my final job as a physician this past February! My journey has taken me from the practice of obstetrics and gynecology to one based in integrative and functional medicine. I’m now embracing a new calling as a life coach. This transition is a natural evolution of my passion for supporting others in their quest for well-being and fulfillment. True healing extends beyond prescriptions, procedures, supplement plans, or even lifestyle changes. There is a deeper layer often left unexplored – our essence, our innate wholeness that exists beneath labels of illness or symptoms.

I’m eager to create a space where individuals can reconnect with this core sense of self, cultivating gratitude and agency as foundations for happiness. In this program, I’m looking forward to learning how to prepare spiritually for coaching sessions and connect with clients ready for profound inner work. I’m particularly drawn to exploring how we can shift our fundamental beliefs about who we are. My goal is to guide others toward remembering their inherent perfection and wholeness, helping to dissolve the false beliefs that create suffering and separation.

While I’m not certain exactly what will emerge from this new path, I’m embracing the uncertainty with a sense of deep trust and peace. I’m following my intuition and heart, which has brought me a sense of alignment and joy. I’m immensely grateful for this opportunity and excited to be on this journey of growth and transformation with all of you. I look forward to creating a thriving practice that allows me to serve others deeply while maintaining the flexibility and abundance I desire in my own life.

With limitless love and gratitude,

Jessie 💖

Jillian Foster
Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Hello everyone!

I want to feel more passionate, joyful, excited, alive and powerful in my life and work. Right now I am seeking divine inspiration for greater clarity for my life mission and path. Lately I have been feeling like I am hitting a wall in my life, its hard to describe, but I guess if you wanted to label it as something, maybe its somewhat of an existential depression in my spirit, dark night of the soul that I have had on and off my entire life.

I have been through a lot of hardships over the past several years (and over the course of my life), including losing my family. So right now I am also recovering from my own trauma and loss, which for me has been a gift as the catalyst for a deeper sense of love, compassion and oneness for others who suffer. But it has also left me a bit disillusioned at time, as a journey through my own darkness, seeking realization of my oneness with God.

As a psychotherapist (LCSW, LCAS) for the past 12 years, I have taken a multitude of professional trainings and have found my most natural, authentic and meaningful way to connect with the world and my clients is through my spirit. I actually have always called myself a “holistic psychotherapist” because I work with the mind, body and spirit. From a young age, as early as I can remember, I have always had a strong knowing of my connection with God and have been aware of being spiritually guided through all the moments in my life. I could hear the voice of God even when I was a young child and have been having prophetic dreams and spiritual visions since my early childhood. I had a spiritual awakening when I was 13 and several other Satori moments feeling my oneness with God and everything. And even though I have had all these supernatural experiences,  I have struggled with existential depression when I get caught up in the material world/stress of life and lose my focus. I guess this helps me feel more compassion with humanity and our shared mysterious life journey.

My work professionally as a therapist specializes in working with individuals and couples healing from trauma, depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. As I mentioned above, I am seeking a renewal of my life force energy and passion working with clients and my own existence in general. 

For a while now I have been interested in learning more specific coaching skills to help people find solutions and set goals through a spiritual lens. I love being a part of other’s process of change and celebrating life together. I found Alan Cohen years ago, I think first listening to his show on Hay House radio, and then reading several of his books. I have always been drawn to his gentle, kind energy, and also his practicality in applying spiritual principles to everyday life. I love ACIM and the message of shifting from fear to the ultimate reality of Love. It is my intention in this coaching program to receive new ways to connect with my heart more deeply and invite God’s presence to intuitively guide my work with clients in session. I want to be a channel for God’s love to flow through me in my sessions with clients, and in everything that I do.

Jonathan Stein
Montague, Massachusetts

Hello everyone!

I’m so excited to join with all of you as we embark on this coaching adventure together! I find myself at a pivotal juncture in my professional and spiritual evolution. For nearly three decades, I’ve worked as a transpersonal psychotherapist, with the last 13 years in private practice. However, about six years ago, my path took an unexpected turn when I discovered A Course in Miracles (ACIM). This profound teaching has not only transformed my understanding of healing and personal growth but has also become an integral part of my work with clients, often yielding remarkable results. 

As I’ve progressed along this path, I’ve noticed a shift in my role. While I still support individuals struggling with mental health challenges, I feel less like a traditional therapist and more like a guide helping people align with their highest intentions and a higher power. I’m drawn to a blend of coaching, spiritual guidance, and therapeutic support. This program feels like the perfect next step in my journey, allowing me to integrate my spiritual practice with my professional calling in a beautifully harmonious way.

What I hope to gain from this program is the ability to fully embody and channel the healing presence I’ve experienced in my best moments – those instances when I drop into a “Knowing” and feel like a conduit for a Higher Voice. I aspire to work consistently from this space of deep purpose and love, truly making a difference in people’s lives. By honing my skills as a holistic coach, I aim to create a practice that bridges therapy, coaching, and spiritual guidance. I’m very excited about and looking forward to learning alongside all of you and to continue evolving both personally and professionally on this transformative path.

With gratitude and anticipation,


Joy Stephenson-Laws
Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA

Fellow Participants:

My goal is to become the best version of myself while I am on my earthly journey. I have also come to understand that I am more likely to be a positive influence to those around me if I am my best self. I would like to be in a position to coach others when they seek my help and are ready to accept any help I can provide.   

Now, to be honest, prior to 2023, I thought I was the best version of myself. I never drank, used drugs, got in trouble and by the usual standards, I was and am very successful.

Growing up, I was trained by my parents to get a good education  so I could do well in life.  I took that advice very seriously and managed to succeed in a very competitive  educational  and professional  environment.  And of course, I grew up in the Seventh Day Adventist church so I got my values and moral compass from that environment.  So I learned very well how to be competitive, strategic, business-like, “manage” my relationships , have a “healthy” dose of fear and otherwise manage most of my emotions to where I did not feel them so I could be in control of my life. I did everything to avoid/manage stress and  figured out how to stay pretty healthy and avoid pharmaceutical drugs. My business flourished because I was always able to put myself in other people’s shoes before I made decisions.

Then last year happened! My only son had some emotional struggles related to PTSD. He was kidnapped and tortured as a child. He is now 31. I was supportive but I could not bring myself to understand why he could not move forward from the past and be thankful for where he is at the present time. I found it difficult to have empathy.  This made me sad/unhappy/depressed.  It became very obvious to me that I was missing “something.” There was a moment when I felt like walking away from my own child because while I felt I had done my best as a mother, I felt as though he was trying to blame me for his unfortunate experience.

This  jump started my personal journey to figure out who I really was, what I was  and how I could be my best self so I could better support my child as well as be a better example for those around me such as family and friends and staff. I came to realize that there was a LOT that I was ignorant about when it comes to figuring out who I really was and  being supportive and happy. After a fair amount of research, I came to realize for myself the difference between fear and joy and recognized that I had been living my life from the fear perspective. I stumbled on Alan’s videos discussing ACIM and he was very easy to understand so I decided to do his course. The journey as a coach was important to me because from my experience teaching/coaching is the best way to learn. It forces me to know the subject matter well enough so I can educate others. And each time I have to explain/teach it, I understand it more.

Judith Nelson
Rhinebeck, New York, USA

Dear fellow coach training participants,

My name is Judith Nelson, and I live in Rhinebeck, NY in the beautiful Hudson Valley.  I also have strong ties to NYC.  I am a dance artist/educator with many years’ experience as a performer, choreographer, and teacher of students of all ages and abilities.

I have followed Alan’s work for many years, and ACIM mirrors beautifully my spiritual home, Unity School of Christianity, as well as deep experiences at Findhorn Community in Scotland, and other spiritual practices.  I am interested in the coach training program for two main reasons:  first, to further my own spiritual understanding and healing, and second, to use it in my work as a dance teacher, prayer chaplain with Unity, mentor for plant-based whole foods eating, and in my own relationships with my partner, friends, and family.  At this time, I’m not sure if I will want to open a professional coaching practice.

I would like to benefit from the training by continuing to enrich and deepen my own soul understanding every day, and to be more familiar with ACIM.  When I pray with others as a Unity prayer chaplain, it is surprisingly and sometimes profoundly moving. I feel spirit is right there, guiding me, so present. I have so often experienced, “What I give, I receive multiplied!” I am imagining that the same kind of fulfillment could happen when coaching. When I have received prayer or coaching (especially from Alan), it has helped and supported me so much, and I would love to be able to give this to others.

I would also like to get to know like-minded people of all ages in Alan’s coaching community.  I look forward to meeting each of you, and wish you all abundant blessings on this journey! 
With love, Judith.

Kanako Hasegawa
Washington DC, USA

Throughout my career, several colleagues came to talk to me about their challenges with conflicts at work. I myself also struggled with working with some colleagues and bosses especially in an international working environment. So I tried helping them but my help was limited and was based solely on my personal experience. I would like to use coaching to better help colleagues address work situation, which affects the other parts of personal lives. I also would like to enjoy my life more by better addressing my personal life challenges and managing my own emotions and ego. I believe that coaching skills could be useful in managing my own ego and have a peaceful mind and heart.

My strength is to be able to talk to anyone in the world regardless of their status. I have worked with coffee farmers in a small village in Venezuela, slum residents in Kenya and also with high-ranking political officials through my work. I can remain myself regardless of who they are and I can be a good listener to what people say.

I would like to feel happier and more satisfied by helping people who could benefit from talking with me. I also would like to benefit from offering life coaching by getting to know more about myself and how my own ego thinkings work. I think it will help me to identify and stop ego in motion and help myself be a better person. I work as an environmental specialist but I increasingly started seeing that individuals need to be healed, including myself, before healing the planet. So I would like to use coaching skills to help heal myself, others and then the planet so that we can be more peaceful and more gentle to ourselves and other living beings on the planet.

Ken Watson
Stockbridge, Georgia, USA

Hello everyone,

I am thrilled to introduce myself as a participant in this new holistic coaching program. My background spans law and education, two fields that have shaped my passion for helping others. I’ve had the privilege of teaching high school AP Government & Politics, overseeing the American Bar Association’s law-related education initiatives in schools and colleges, and providing professional development for Fortune 500 medical companies and biotech startups. These diverse experiences have fueled my drive to support and empower people in various stages of their journeys.

Empathy and building connections are my superpowers, and I feel incredibly grateful for the rich and rewarding experiences I’ve encountered along the way. I firmly believe in being at the right place at the right time and that we are exactly where we are meant to be. I am confident that this holistic coaching program will equip me with the tools to relate deeply with others and guide them as they navigate their paths. I’m excited to embark on this journey and look forward to growing alongside all of you.

Lisa Jaffee
Richboro, Pennsylvania, USA

Hello new friends,

My name is Lisa Jaffee and I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA.  Suffering from a little burnout, I post COVID retired in 2022 after a career in marketing, technology and healthcare. During my personal journey I have become a 500 hour yoga teacher, meditation teacher and certified grief educator. I’ve also been lucky enough to study with so many professionals including: Peter Levine, Dr. Frank Anderson, Lissa Rankin and done workshops with Bessel VanDerKolk. I  am curious and interested in life, human nature, trauma and healing. Growing up my adopted Father was an alcoholic making for an unstable home. Like everyone, I still get triggered sometimes but through practices including yoga, meditation, ayurvedic medicine I’ve learned to take care of myself and my nervous system. 

Presently I’m volunteering with hospice patients and mentoring an 18 year old young lady in the foster care system. After our training with Alan, I would like to figure out how to bring all of this training together and put it into an offering to people in order to help others heal and be their best selves. I’ve been suffering these past few years with symptoms from menopause and had difficulty getting treatment. Brain fog, joint pain, difficulty sleeping, weight gain were all symptoms but since starting hormone replacement therapy I’m feeling so much better. This area interests me as during medical school I learned that a majority of a physician’s education is spent learning how to treat the female during their reproductive years but not all docs are good at treating perimenopause/menopause. My reason for sharing this is I’m thinking this is an area I might be able to make a difference in and help other women. 

I look forward to meeting, learning and growing with you all. 

Kind Regards,

Melissa Moses
Spicewood, Texas, USA

Throughout my life, I’ve naturally been the confidant friends turn to for advice and support, and providing guidance feels instinctive to me. Witnessing its positive impact brings me immense satisfaction, and I aspire to deepen this skill through your program. I aim to help others find inner peace and purpose, guiding them back to authenticity and fulfillment. Though I’m unsure where this course will lead, I feel led to it for a reason, and I hope it enhances the natural skills I’ve been blessed with to serve others.

Rachel Chan
Tokyo, Japan

When I was a child, I  always had this big question “Where is my REAL home?” 

Back then, I never felt that I belonged to this place, nor the family I was born to.

That question eventually led me to spirituality.

In my late twenties, I decided to dive into that realm, not knowing where it would take me.

 My first private session experience was with a psychic healer and she taught me how to meditate for two years.  That triggered my interest. I decided to study at the  college of psychic studies in London.

Encountering different ideas and teachers for over 20 years, I now know that the journey was worth it because it led me to  Abraham Hicks and Alan Cohen. As my favorite human teacher,  I love how Alan lovingly bridges spirituality and the human aspect .

I hope to be like that and uplift many people through my YouTube channel and coaching.

I look forward to meeting all of you,

Rachel Chan

Reba Carroll
Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Hello New Friends!

My name is Reba Carroll and I am very excited about our upcoming Holistic Life Coach training together. I live in Lexington, Kentucky with my life partner, Louise. I have two sons, five grandchildren and two “bonus” grandchildren. I recently retired from the University of Kentucky after serving  as a career counselor for students. Prior to UK, I taught career development, college success, and public speaking types of coursework at Spencerian College- Lexington.

Overall, I have enjoyed working with college students for the past nineteen years. However, I prefer now to shift my life’s work toward helping older adults. I want to be a resource for those adults who wish to share their life experiences and benefit from life coaching.

Since 2002, Louise and I have facilitated A Course in Miracles group-study twice a week and I wanted to continue this holistic counseling approach after retirement through the lens of my spiritual journey.  I had looked at a variety of life coaching certifications and was delighted when I discovered Alan’s program after reading his latest book. The course content is exactly what I have been looking for and I am confident that I can begin filling my knowledge/skillset/experience gaps required for Life Coaching through this training.

 I look forward to meeting all of you!


Rosanne Metz
Burnt River, Ontario, Canada

Hello everyone!  I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all, getting to know you well and experiencing this excellent adventure together.  My name is Rosanne and I live with my wife Jodi and our two mini schnauzers in a forest, on a river in the Kawartha Lakes, about 2.5 hours northeast of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  We have a wonderful 20-year-old kid Oliver, who is in their 4th year of university.  

In considering writing this little “story” of who I am, I am realizing that more and more, I am less and less of the things that I am going to write below.  So, this may be more of a short report of my history on the planet thus far with the snippets that stand out to me in this moment.

If you just want the highlights and not the story, I’ve been all of these things (in no particular order): daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, chiropractor, acupuncturist, consummate learner, woodturner, mosaic artist, music enjoyer, reader, listener, traveler, hugger, cook, gluten free baker, caretaker, forester, canoeist, swimmer, driver, writer, typist, salesperson, coach, explorer, meditator, mediator, consciousness expander, supporter, fan, teacher, student and lover of life.

If you want a story… I am by far, the youngest of 4 children; sort of an only child in that my siblings left the nest in my childhood.  My parents were eastern European Jews who survived WWII and came to Canada in 1950.  I was raised with a tremendous amount of love and appreciation for which I am forever grateful.  By the time I came around, my parents were very self-sufficient, had a community of friends, and were settled, successful, older and wiser.  Although I was “an accident”, I was very cherished.  I spent a lot of time on my own growing up in a small northern town, which is probably why I am so happy living a relatively quiet & peaceful life in nature now.  I always did well in school and my parents empowered me to be my best without limitation.

My parents died when I was relatively young, 12 & 19.  In being on my own a lot as a young child, and being raised (and surrounded in my early years) by holocaust survivors, I grew up quite differently than the cohort that surrounded me.  Although I felt quite lonely then, I love all the qualities that that beginning fostered – independence, self-reliance, self-belief, self-love, and a knowing beyond my years.  I was often interested in things that most of my friends and classmates were unaware.  

The whole self-help movement was absolutely for me.  I was walking around with Tony Robbins on my Sony Walkman when I was 20 years old.  I would read those Og Mandino scrolls religiously.  I used to go to the store to rent books on cassette to teach me about positive psychology, reaching my potential, and expanding my awareness.  My teachers were rarely in the flesh, and often on cassette, then CD.  I went to university, got a science degree and then decided to go to Chiropractic College.  In 1998, I graduated after 9 years post-secondary (oiy!), and ended up being an associate in a Toronto Health Center to a very tough and loving mentor.  I allowed myself to be put through the grinder for the first 2 years, which set me up for 20+ years of happiness and success in practice.  She taught the work of Dr. John Demartini (she called it Inward Bound) and I was “voluntold” to take all of her weekend courses (12-hour days of digging in deep).  There were a lot of tears shed, a lot of fear released, a lot of understandings gained and a lot of cords cut.

Sandra Wright
Tullnerbach, NOE, Austria

Hello, my name is Sandra. I am married and the Mum of three young women. I am also a physical therapist. I like to be in nature (swimming, hiking, climbing, bike riding). I also love reading, writing, travelling and spending time with friends and family. 

I’d love to combine my experience of 30 years of helping heal people’s bodies with coaching and spirituality and work more holistically. I want to help people (re)connect with their authentic selves, support them on their journey toward freedom and joy and healing. 

I am not completely sure yet how to use the coaching course but I really want to because I have also taken some psychotherapy courses and a counselling course. So it’s in me and I want to let it out! I’d love to gain more clarity about that through the program, to see how I can best use my skills.  

My dream would be to work in the healing/coaching/spirituality area for many years to come and I am seeking a way to do that. I cannot do it the way anymore as I have done it in the past for physical reasons but also because I see it now as too technical and head directed. I need to share and act more deeply from within rather than just from my head. 

I am very excited about this course and can’t wait to meet you all!

Serenity Smile
Amherst, Virginia, USA

Hi, my name is Serenity. I’d love to be a professional life coach (at least part time) and I also intend to use the knowledge of life coaching to help me in my own life and to encourage my friends, family, mentees, and coworkers. I’d like to use life coaching as a tool to help and serve people and to help them understand themselves (also to understand myself and how life works better). 

I am very idealistic and love to help people. I love encouraging people, offering them resources, and sending them positive energy (which I do in my various volunteer roles, which currently involve running a group for women in technology, mentoring people new to, cybersecurity and volunteer work in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends (a Spiritual Healing non-profit I learned about through Alan Cohen’s book Master Keys of Healing). I am also creative, willing to take risks, and to think differently from other people and am always questioning my habits/beliefs/assumptions in order to constantly improve. I’ve also been a spiritual seeker for many years and am a certified yoga and meditation teacher. I’ve done a lot of experimenting on myself and love to share what’s helped me and to inspire others and give them tools to help themselves.

I work in a very left-brained, logical industry as a cybersecurity analyst) and would like to offer life coaching part time to earn extra “happy” money and feel more fulfilled career wise. I’d like to be able to use my gifts and talents to help and encourage people, which I find very fulfilling.

Teri Taylor
Payson, Arizona, USA

Hello everyone. I’m Teri Taylor. I am not currently a practicing coach. I have had some previous coaching training but have not used it professionally. My goal is to develop coaching skills that I can use to support clients.

I am passionate about metaphysical studies. I am currently a student at the Arcane School of Lucis Trust. My goal from this training is to incorporate tools to help me live my best life and help others in my sphere of influence do the same.

I would like to create a business in which I am helping others on their journeys by sharing my inspirations and passions.