Healing Exercises
I invite you to participate in an exercise to empower the healing most important to you. The exercise has two parts:
(1) Some introspective questions for you to answer
(2) A daily healing exercise for you to practice
Enjoy your healing process!
Part 1
Please answer the following questions to facilitate your healing. (They are for your own illumination and do not need to be handed in.)
1. Please identify an issue in your life for which you would like healing. (This can be an issue of physical health, emotions, relationship, prosperity, career, or any other area important to you):
2. What about this issue is bothersome or painful to you?
3. What would be your ideal scenario if this issue were healed or solved?
4. What benefit or reward have you perceived in holding on to this issue?
5. What benefit or reward would you like to experience in healing or completing it?
6. What can you do on your own behalf to help this issue heal?
7. What form of treatment or healing do you have the most faith in, that can help you?
8. How have you learned or grown through dealing with this experience?
9. Are you open, ready, and willing to have this issue completely healed or solved?
10. What would you be doing differently, or what would be your next step, if this issue were completely behind you?
Part 2
Here are three exercises you can do toward your healing. Feel free to use any one or combination of them.
1. Visualize
Each day sit quietly for five minutes and visualize the part of your body or the situation you wish to heal, filled with brilliant healing light, to the point that the body part or situation disappears completely and merges into the pure light.
Watch a mental movie of the body part or situation you wish to heal, as if it is already perfectly well or resolved. Stay with the visualization until you get the feeling that your goal is achieved.
2. Affirm
Create an affirmation that offsets the issue you wish to resolve. For example:
“I am walking freely, fluently, and comfortably, getting where I need to go with ease and joy.”
“I am an abundant being living in an abundant universe that provides for all of my needs and more.”
“My relationship with _____________ is filled with love, joy, mutual support, and deep reward.”
Think and/or speak your affirmation many times a day, especially when thoughts to the contrary come up.
3. Pray
Formulate a prayer of your own choosing that connects you to your Higher Power and opens the door to wellness and prosperity. For example:
“Great Spirit, I now open to receive healing and well-being at every level of my life. I know your will for me in ______________ is perfect wholeness and happiness. Thank you for your gifts to me. I claim them now.”