Practice Coaching
Practice Coaching
For the certificate program you are asked to do at least 20 practice coaching sessions, minimum 50 minutes each, and 1 “Coaching Room” Report per month.
This includes 4 coaching sessions per month, February through June 2024, reports for each session to be submitted by the day before the last day of each month:
- February 28
- March 30
- April 29
- May 30
- June 29
To Submit Reports:
Click on the Submit a Coaching Report lesson from the Course Homepage
- For two reports each month, submit only the client’s name and the date of the report.
- For one report, submit your feedback and have the client submit his/her feedback.
- For one report, submit your feedback, have client submit feedback, and Alan will comment on each.
Out of your 20 practice coaching sessions, you may coach a maximum of four people in this coach training program or graduates of this coach training program, once each.
Out of your twenty practice coaching sessions, you may coach a maximum of two people twice each if that is an appropriate progression for both of you.
You may not carry extra reports from one month over to the next, or backfill reports from one month into a previous month.
Explain to your clients that you are a coach in training and their feedback will help you improve your coaching skills. Ask them to please be specific in their answers.
Your coaching sessions can be in person, via telephone, or via an online web format.
Never coach in a restaurant, cafe, or bar. Privacy and full focus on the session are key elements of successful coaching.
You are responsible for your clients to have their reports submitted on time.
To Access The Coaching Room:
Every Thursday @ 11 am Pacific (California) time
Login into
Click on Join a Meeting
Enter Meeting ID: 837 8244 4432
Enter passcode: 333
If you can’t make the live webinars, you can watch the replays on the private Coaching Room youtube channel. Please don’t share this channel with others who are not registered participants in the Coaching Room:
To receive your own unique Coaching Room login link via email, please use this link to register:–uLIDQiJIwxvac0Ee
IMPORTANT, please read thoroughly:
Submitting all of your reports, including your clients’, and your Coaching Room Report, by the due date will maintain your status in the certificate program. See below for tips on how to get your clients to submit timely reports. See the Fixes tab for what to do if you have difficulty getting a clients’ report.
For the reports for which you are requesting instructor feedback, be sure to check the circle indicating “Coach, Client and instructor” BEFORE you submit the report. If you do not click the circle including instructor, you will not be able to get instructor’s feedback afterward.
• Tip: Schedule and do your sessions as early in the month as possible so you are not rushing at the end of the month, and your clients will have time to do their reports. Schedule the sessions for which you will submit reports early in the month, and the name and date sessions for later in the month.
• Tip: Give your clients a short term date by which to submit their reports, for example within 3 days after your session. This will keep their session fresh in their mind and improve the quality of feedback you receive. If you tell your clients they have until the end of the month to submit their report, they may put it off until after the month, or forget entirely.
• If you intend to ultimately combine your life coaching with another skill such as reiki, nutritional counseling, or hypnosis, please do only life coaching during your practice sessions rather than integrating with another method. This will build your coaching skills. When you have completed your coach training, you can combine with another modality.
Have fun and enjoy your coaching adventure!