Webinar Info
Webinar Info
Each week we will meet for a 75-minute webinar.
We ask that you access via computer or mobile device, but you can use a telephone in exceptional situations. If your only option is a mobile device, be sure you have good reception and your camera is stable.
Click on the Connecting to the Webinar tab on your dashboard for instructions on how to access.
Webinar dates are listed under the Schedule tab.
The webinar time is:
5:00 PM Pacific
6:00 PM Mountain
7:00 PM Central
8:00 PM Eastern
If you are calling from another time zone and wish to check your coordinated day and time, visit:
(Use San Francisco for world time converter)
Each webinar will begin with a short centering exercise, after which Alan will highlight the important points of the lessons for the week. Be sure you have studied the weekly lessons before the webinar. Then the forum will be open for you to share any insights, experiences, or questions related to the lessons or course principles and how you are applying them. On some webinars everyone will speak, and on others we may focus on several people’s sharing. Everyone will have ample opportunity to have your course needs met.
During most of the webinars we will do breakout sessions in which you will be paired with one or more other students to discuss the lesson at hand or any of your experiences, or do a practice coaching session.
All the webinars will be recorded, so you can watch or listen to them afterward if you like. To access the recordings, click on the Webinar Recordings tab on your dashboard.
If you are in the certificate program, you are required to participate in at least 12 of the 14 webinars. You will need to be present for at least 60 of the 75 minutes to be counted present, and keep your video on.
We also ask that you be fully present for the webinar, which is part of your training. If you are driving, in a public place, or in any situation in which you cannot turn on your video during the webinar, or cannot participate in the discussion, you will not be counted as present.
We trust that you will find deep benefit in the webinars, as they will enhance your coaching skills in a huge way, and give you the chance to connect with your fellow students, whom you will come to value deeply.