A Breakthrough Guide to Interdimensional Communication.
For many years I have studied intensively with some of the most gifted channelers, mediums, healers, and psychics in the world. While I have touched briefly in my books and webinars about navigating interdimensional guidance, I am now eager to address this important topic directly and deeply.
We can make huge advances working in invisible realms, and we can also be distracted from our true path. I would like to pass along to you the most important tip to recognize genuine guidance and to avoid errors. My intention is to keep you moving forward in a healthy, soul-rewarding ways, and help you minimize confusion, pain, and distress.
In this unprecedented series, I will introduce you to ten of the most empowering teachers I have learned from, some well-known and some little-known, and use my relationship with them as a template to present universal principles that will sharpen your discernment and advance you at top speed. If you are open to accepting help from friends in high places, these eight lessons will make the invisible as real and helpful to you as the physical dimension.
Each lesson will include a pre-recorded lecture, deep guided meditation & visualization, and recommended resources for each of the guides included in the program.
The program includes the following topics:
This course and its materials will be available to you for one year from the date of  purchase. Please be sure to download any materials you wish to retain for future use prior to that date. Thank you!
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