The Time of Your Life Online Course & Webinar Series
The Time of Your Life Online Course & Webinar Series
Most of us wish we had more time to do the things we want and need to do. Many people try to solve this dilemma by rushing and trying to fit their long to-do list into a short time span. Others set up elaborate time management programs which can help, but generally do not pierce to the core of the experience of lack of time.
In this course we will take a deeper spiritual approach. Instead of working harder to manage our time, we will manage our consciousness. All of life proceeds from the inside out. To make effective changes in the outer world, we must make effective changes in the inner world. Then the outer world will conform to our upgraded intentions and vision.
When people come together with a positive intention, everyone who joins in a higher agreement is empowered. (“A rising tide raises all the ships.”) That is exactly what we are doing in the program. We share the intention to recreate our relationship with time so it becomes our friend and servant rather than our enemy and master. Then time will empower us to accomplish all we need to do logistically and spiritually.
Thank you for joining this momentous journey. It is my prayer and heartfelt intention that you will benefit immensely and enjoy a permanent life upgrade. The better it gets, the better it gets.
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