Meet Your Program Partners
Audrey Sinclair
Phoenix, Arizona
Dear Life Coach Partners:
Hello! I am very happy to be here and to share my path to the Life Coach program.
I worked with a holistic counselor/energy healer for the first time 35 years ago. I learned so much from her! She helped me to move on from some of my issues, understand myself more, grow spiritually and emotionally, and helped me to open up to my path with the spirit world. At the time I thought she was a counselor, but I now know she was much more – a life coach.
When my spiritual mentor passed, I tried traditional counseling and quickly realized it was not the same thing – I didn’t feel like I was getting anything out of it. Then an acquaintance, who was in a life coach program, asked if I would be one of her training sessions. I worked with her several times until she received her certificate. I learned more, got more help, and grew emotionally and spiritually the most from working with her. This was when I knew I wanted to be a life coach. That was 25 years ago! I would envision doing a session where I used my life coach skills (which I didn’t have yet) and would include an energy session towards the end of the session (that part I knew how to do). So why didn’t I do that? Fear, lack of confidence, you name it. Right about that time I went to a Shaman and she told me if I stayed with the man I was dating (and ended up marrying) I was not going to stay on my spiritual path. I didn’t believe her, but she was right.
I got divorced four years ago, gave myself time to heal, but continued working in my life-long career as a Law Firm Manager – it paid well and the Taurus in me liked the money and the stability. Although over the past 15 years I continued on my spiritual path, it was much more diluted than when I was younger. Then my spirit guides, my intuition, kicked in a few months ago, I quit the stressful job I was in, and took some time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. That is when my cousin sent me a YouTube video of a webinar that Alan Cohen did called “What Makes Healing Happen”. OMG, I loved what Alan had to say, everything he said was what I believed. I looked him up on line, and ended up on the Life Coach Program page. I signed in to one of the Thursday coaching sessions, had a 10-minute session with Alan on the zoom call, and the rest is history!
So, I start this next chapter with all of you, eager to learn, eager to now be able to use some of the tools I have picked up over the years from the healers I have worked with, eager to understand myself and others more, and eager to search deep inside to find the confidence that will help me to move forward. I want my Life Coach practice to be something that will finally fulfill me by allowing me to help others on their path, especially with my desire to work with hospice patients and their families, and anything else that spirit guides me to.
Audrey Sinclair
Betsy Petrie
Redmond, Washington
My ultimate goal is to become a “Balance Coach,” driven by a profound desire to guide others in discovering their truest selves. I’m passionate about helping individuals awaken and embark on the path of self-actualization, because I too grappled with a nagging resistance towards spiritual evolution when faced with challenges. Amplifying my victim narrative and resisting the shift towards a spiritual existence.
For years, I felt a sense of lack or emptiness, unaware that everything I needed was within me; I was seeking externally. Periodically, I glimpsed my true self, experiencing genuine freedom from judgment, self-sabotage, and self-loathing—a chance to truly understand and live a conscious life. Yet, something repeatedly pulled me back into feeding the fear and struggle, falling back into limiting beliefs and losing sight of self-awareness, falling asleep again in psychological time.
Harmonizing mind, body, spirit, and nature within the realm of healthy living has cultivated a healing aura that resonates with everyone I encounter. I firmly believe that self-discovery is an ongoing journey, and I’m acutely and honorably aware of my own imperfections. Engaging with others begins from a place of self-awareness, fostering collaboration and profound self-inquiry, benefiting both myself and those I work with. I anticipate that this program will offer structure and facilitate further exploration of this concept. I have found immense fulfillment in dedicating myself to wellness and personal growth on both individual and collective levels. Graduating from Bastyr University’s Health Psychology Program expanded my understanding of healing methodologies, igniting an enthusiasm for continuous exploration. I rely on my intuition, harnessing the power of my imagination, and I constantly strive for full accountability.
I can’t wait to meet everyone.
Christy Jennings
Boulder, Colorado
hello everyone!
my name is christy! i’m 59, single, (divorced 3x) & my most joyful role today is being coco to my 4, soon to be 5, grand babes!
my life took an unforeseen turn 5 years ago when the bottom fell out of my 12 year marriage just after we sold our home in Colorado, gave everything we owned away, & moved to Mexico to live out our dream.
the dream was for me to be entrepreneurial, to be creative, to run retreats, workshops, & write my books, create inspiring merch, & bring my whole BiG beautiful vision to life!
at first the divorce was very liberating, i had a little money in my pocket so i took myself on my very first road trip ever down Pacific Coast Highway. there was not a time in my life where i could remember it ever being just me. i was a young mama at age 19, so even when i was in between marriages, i was mothering, & i adored being a mom.
so, for the past 5 years i’ve been attempting, rather poorly, to live out my dream of coaching, teaching, writing, renting little coastal places here & there, because he got the condo in Mex….
everything i own fits in a Toyota Rav, & i’ve yet to sit tight at a permanent address because, well, it feels like i’d be giving up on the dream.
it’s been a journey! when Life tossed me out of the secure but dissatisfying nest of my marriage 5 years ago, it unearthed everything i still had to work through, issues wise, haha, & to my surprise, even after the previous 36 years of devouring everything under the personal growth & development umbrella, it was a lot!
i heard of Alan through Abraham Hicks & over the course of many months the crumbs were strategically placed to lead me here with all of you!
i’d like to build a community similar to the platform Alan has created, as i imagine it to be so fulfilling to participate in people’s awakenings. i do it on a small scale, non-professionally & free; coaching, encouraging, inspiring, just seems to be how i’m built. … i ask a question, people open up to me & we end up having a heart to heart they never saw coming. i LOVE when God uses me this way. guiding people to see themselves in an empowered way, to know who they truly are, & to cultivate their connection to the divine, i just can’t get enough of it, i love it all!
so i’m ready! i’m ready to step fully into my divine assignment & be & do & live the life LIFE has designed me for. i can’t wait to connect with all of you!
…. & on the BiG island of all places! are you kidding me! this is so flipping cool!
aloha love,
Christy Hansen
The Dalles, Oregon
Hello fellow coaches!
My name is Christy Hansen. I live in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge area. I have been fortunate to be a hairstylist (aka hair-therapy) for 17 years in my small town. In these years I have learned invaluable life lessons from my clients sharing their personal journeys. The greatest skill that took the longest to learn has helped every relationship I have. That skill is the ability to help others with no emotional connection to the outcome. You can’t want something for someone that they don’t want for themselves, no matter how hard you try. I have a great love for all people and the strength to sit with them in their darkest moments. It’s important to be connected to my community whether I am volunteering on a board, visiting my client in the hospital or coaching a softball team.
It’s hard to see exactly what my path forward is. My goal with taking this course is to be a life coach part-time while also working part-time in youth prevention for our county. I plan to slowly cut back at the salon to build my clientele in Coaching. I’m looking for guidance in booking clients and the steps that that includes.
I am eager to learn how to coach others with different belief systems and values. Too often today we draw lines between ourselves and others instead of agreeing to disagree rather than seeing the beauty in our differences. I am also wondering how our own life experience helps in our coaching and what things should be avoided if any?
Balance is also very important to me. I have two daughters and 4 stepchildren. We still have 3 kiddos in the house so it’s always a lively place. I pour my heart and soul into raising the best little humans and growing in my relationship with my fiancé.
Most of all I am excited to meet all of you. I can’t wait to share this experience and learn with you all.
-Christy Hansen
Heidi Turner
Tacoma, Washington
Hello, all!
I’m very excited to be meeting you all in the upcoming months!
A little about why I’m here:
I’ve decided to join this community as I’m in need of a change (as I suspect most of us are). I’ve been a functional dietitian/nutritionist in private practice for the last 20 years. I work with people who have complex health conditions and my day-to-day professional life is intense — I’m witness to a lot of pain and suffering. While I still feel a connection to the work and am not yet ready to give up my practice, I feel like I need a new perspective on how to counsel — a different line of questioning, a new way to help my clients get to the place of wellness they’re looking for, beyond the food, beyond the supplementation, beyond what I am currently providing. I want a deeper and different conversation. And I’m hoping this program will guide me in that direction.
I am excited to learn from Alan and from you all. I’m so looking forward to our six months together!
Be well, and I’ll see you all online and in Hawaii!
Hilary Hudson
Kihei, Hawaii
My holistic coaching journey is just beginning. I work in Learning & Development in a Human Resources department. While throughout my career, I have coached employees and people who have worked for me, I find that coaching in a corporate setting brings limitations to the deeper transformation I would love to help others achieve.
I have personally been on quite a journey of healing, learning and discovery and would like to share the values and insights that I’ve come to know with others. Ultimately, I would like to use the skills we learn to launch my own coaching practice focused primarily on helping women to focus on health at all levels – emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
I would like to gain a better understanding of some of the tools and practical methods of coaching and be supported by a group of like-minded people. I am looking forward to all that I will learn from everyone and am ready to cheer us all on.
Jakki Right
Los Angeles, California
Where I see myself on my coaching and personal journey is an excellent question and there is a simple response…that is at the very beginning. Then, the more complex answer is that I have been on this journey my entire life and I am taking this course right now because I need guidance and help to focus on all the recent changes in my life in a positive and purposeful way.
I have been one of God’s cheerleaders and I chose to put myself into a very difficult caregiving position. I was asked to come and help by a mentor and friend who was like a second father to me. He had physical disabilities and residual trauma from the removal of a brain tumor at the age of five. Also, a Deep Brain Stimulation operation for Blepharospasm Dystonia was performed while I was working with him. The situation was difficult emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It turned into far more than I expected and I had to face some hard core truths & realities about myself as well as others closest to me. I looked at the motivations and expectations behind helping others.
I am taking this workshop to look deeper into myself with loving kindness and honesty and courage. I want to honor all I have learned and experienced from a higher broader perspective. I want to learn more about being selfless and loving and giving and kind to myself and to others. I am excited and trepidatious at the same time. Most of all, I am grateful to be here with amazing and humorous teachers and new friends and students.
Let’s get it started in here!
Love & Peace,
Jeanne Chilligris
Darien, Illinois
Hello to all my soon to be Partners in learning,
I am so excited to embark on this journey. I have recently started a new chapter in my life as a single woman, and there are so many opportunities that await me! I’ve made it a point to experience, learn, study, and enjoy all aspects of life.
As a recently divorced woman after 41 years of marriage, at the age of 70, with 3 adult children, and a beautiful grandchild, I first questioned whether it was worth the investment of time and resources to pursue study in Life Coaching at this stage of my life. Immediately after that thought, I was inspired to know that it was the right choice! It occurred to me that there are many people like me, who experience life changes at an advanced age. This may be a result of divorce, loss, empty nest, self or spouse retiring, etc. These changes are cause for us to reevaluate who we are, what we want, and how to live the rest of our lives. For many, Life Coaching would be life changing!
I am committed to this course, not only in the interest of self development, but to help others who may benefit from Life Coaching in the wake of life changes experienced in later life.
I can’t wait to join you all and partner in this great adventure!
Jeanne Chiligiris
Jeff Ellerton
Melbourne, Australia
My name is Jeff Ellerton and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I currently work for a global company as an audit specialist in information technology. I haven’t done any coaching, so this is new for me. I’m a lifelong learner and I’ve been on a personal growth journey for many years, living the choice and causation approach.
I’d like to use coaching to grow my confidence and expand my comfort zone. I want to live bigger, have new experiences, challenge myself more, and use my talents and gifts. I’d also like to use it for a career change. My goal is to transition from a corporate job to work that’s more joyful, allows more control and flexibility, and has more tangible results. I think it will align well with my gifts and talents.
Jennifer Eby
Mill Creek, Washington
I live in the Seattle, Washington area. I live alone, except for the two Maine Coon cats that dominate my space. I have a 29-year-old son, with whom I am very close. I’ve been on a “personal development” path since I was about 18 years old. About eight years ago, I was blessed with a couple of diagnoses that changed my life. They were my greatest gifts. My path then changed more to Spiritual Growth and connection. I woke up to overworking and the need for boundaries. I fell in love with nature. A daily meditation practice has changed my life. I love anything spiritual and metaphysical. I have taken classes such as Reiki (master), Tao Healing Hands, Akashic Records, tarot cards, etc. I love connecting with my higher self and God (Universe).
I never thought I would be a ‘Life Coach”, but thinking about the role coaching plays in my current business, I already coach people. I help them create solutions they may not have seen or had access to before. Basically, I connect what they know now to their unknown. Now, I will be able to do that in other pieces of my life – and get better at it in my current business. My existing business is in hardware development and manufacturing. I love most of what I do, especially connecting with people. My superpower is connecting people and business, and my super-intuitive gifts also play there.
I am excited to learn more about myself and see if learning formal coaching skills will expand what I do now with my business or if I start a new business that will open and lead me down a different path. Intrinsically, people are good, and the world is a beautiful place. I am ready to learn more and how to authentically bring more love and light to myself and those around me.
Joshua Mallin
Mancos, Colorado
Hello Dear Friends!
Let me begin by expressing what an honor it is to be accepted into this holistic life coach training and be a part of this fabulous group. I reside in the beautiful San Juan mountains of Colorado and am rather nomadic by nature. My college degree is in civil engineering and I have been working in the industry for several years. It has not been fulfilling for myself and others. I know I am not meant to sit in front of a computer, crunching numbers for the corporate world and I am ready to transition into heart centered and soulful work. I feel incredibly blessed to have discovered this program and embark on an adventure of a lifetime. I am a teacher, a healer, an authentic self revealer. My other passions include dancing, writing poetry, skiing, and traveling, to name a few.
I chose this program to acquire the skills, tools, confidence and credentials to guide clients into their hearts, support them in accessing their inner wisdom, and unlock their connection to their own higher power. I want to teach them to recognize their limiting beliefs, take responsibility for their lives, and help them get out of their own way. I want to reveal and dissolve the blockages that prevent them from living their best life. I want them to see themselves for who they truly are, to guide them through their darkness and bring them into the light. And in the process, I want to discover more ways to do the same for myself.
My intention and desire is to conduct one-on-one coaching sessions, group sessions, lead seminars and transformational trainings, and compose empowering literature accessible to the general public. In my life, I have experienced a significant amount of grief that comes with the loss of many loved ones. These experiences have revealed my ability to create safe and sacred space for people in their grief. I have developed a gift for holding space for others in their tears and pain, and can transmute them into self-empowerment through compassion, wisdom, guidance, and spiritual connection. Therefore, I know grief work with others is part of my calling. Of course, I want to continue to do my own work and this program is a great way to hold myself accountable for my own personal growth and transformation. I intend to become the best version of me and serve the world through a heart-centered career.
Thank you all for being a pivotal part of my growth and development. I look forward to meeting and growing with each one of you.
All my love,
-Shua Mallin
Kathy Slattengren
Bothell, Washington
My name is Kathy Slattengren and I live in Bothell, WA. I worked in software development for 23 years. After getting laid off in 2007, I followed my dream and started a parent education business, Priceless Parenting. Parenting classes had empowered my husband and I to have a strong foundation for raising our two kids and I wanted to share this information with other parents.
I signed up for this coaching program to strengthen my skills in coaching parents. I also believe it will help me personally. My husband of 36 years died in July and my mom died in September. This has left me in a place where I’m figuring out how I want to shape the next chapter of my life.
Leah Vrablik
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hello Beautiful Souls,
My name is Leah and I currently reside in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I am blessed to have married my best friend, Jerry and have the honor of being a mother of two wonderful children, Lukas and Elena. At present, I work a corporate 9 to 5 job that I just don’t feel aligned to anymore. My inner awareness has been patiently waiting for me to take action towards a more meaningful life purpose.
I am super grateful to join you all in the Life Coach Training program! I don’t know about you, but it wasn’t easy getting here, I had to overcome a lot of ego noise of why I shouldn’t be here,
Guilt – How dare you take time away from your family.
Lack – you shouldn’t spend that kind of money on yourself.
Imposter syndrome – who would want to be coached by you, you’re a mess. Who do you think you are? You don’t deserve this.
Finally, shame – you’re not capable of completing this, you’re lazy and you will fail.
Thank goodness for the tools I’ve learned from ACIM. Radical welcoming and allowing paired with non-judgmental awareness, these stories went from screams to soft whispers, and I finally jumped in with both feet!
I am so pumped to meet and work with Alan (especially at the in-person retreat), he’s been influential in my spiritual journey. I feel his loving presence alone will facilitate radical changes!
I really want to let my entrepreneurial spirit soar and this certification is the first step to acquiring the courage and skills to do so. I don’t know exactly what it all will look like, but I’m working on how it will feel to truly be of service, have time and location freedom and attract happy money! I am here only to be truly helpful, I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
Let’s do this!
Madeline Wares
Brooklyn, New York
Hello dearest partners, I feel honored and privileged to join you on this journey. Our time in Hawaii will be my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean!
My story began in Brooklyn 48 years ago. After finishing college at home in Staten Island, I moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 22 and I lived there for 22 years.
In Florida, I got married, had a daughter, and was blessed with a healthcare career providing education and support to pregnant women and parenting families.
I’m grateful for the opportunities Florida presented me with meeting people and having experiences that enabled me to grow, learn, heal and change. My friends and clients were from almost every continent, and my heart expanded tremendously by meeting families at one of the most vulnerable times in their lives. With extensive training in social services and human development, and after years of receiving therapy and coaching and being certified in EFT tapping for trauma, I feel prepared to learn about coaching.
During the 2020 pandemic, my daughter decided to attend college in New York, so we moved to Brooklyn and we are in the home where I was born, with my mother and our two dogs.
The dreams I left stagnant in Florida have been reborn when I moved back home. I made a voiceover demo in 2023, and I started writing my first book as I continue to work in healthcare at a nursing home. With the coaching certification, I plan to start a podcast and continue writing and preparing workshops.
My passion is music, and you can usually find me at a concert; if not there, I love to be outdoors taking photos. I’m thankful for the chance to collaborate, share and celebrate with all of you. May our paths cross to create a wondrous new song, and help us all sing together as the universe intends.
Marguerite LaDue
Edmonds, Washington
I am a 40-year student of A Course in Miracles doing my best to practice, practice, practice! removing the blocks I place in Love’s path. I just want to be a clear channel for Love to express through me and out into the world.
After a 7 year hiatus, I find myself compelled to refresh my coaching skills. I am highly motivated and committed to helping others live their very best lives and to know and understand the power they have to be happy regardless of circumstances. I love my life and it is my joy to share what I’ve learned so others can feel similarly. There is so much fear in the world. It would be a privilege if I can help, in some small way, alleviate some of it.
Teens, in particular, have a very special place in my heart. I am passionate about assisting young people in gaining confidence in themselves and encouraging them to follow their Inner Knowing.
I have an extensive business background and have held numerous leadership positions in both profit and non-profit environments. Coaching leaders to have the courage to lead from their hearts is another area of interest. Helping them transform the climate and unleash the power of each individual for the good of all would be highly fulfilling.
I live in the beautiful state of Washington, on the Puget Sound, just north of Seattle. I have a son named Brent and three siblings I cherish. I am blessed with many dear friends. Favorite pastimes include dancing, singing, reading thought-provoking books and cooking gourmet meals.
Thank you!
Mayumi Abe Snaith
Kanagawa, Japan
Nice to e-meet you! I’m Mayumi Abe Snaith, joining this program from Japan. My proudest title is “Wife & Mom to 6 and 8-year-old boys,” and I’m living a fulfilling life. However, last year, my life felt like a complex web of complications. Thanks to books by Alan and other wonderful authors, as well as seminars, my mindset shifted, and I’ve been able to experience more happiness than before.
I genuinely want to contribute to the well-being of those around me, and that’s why I’ve decided to participate in this program. I look forward to meeting all of you!
Michiyo Nishimura
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Who am I?
Hi, I am Michiyo! I grew up in Japan, and moved to L.A when I was 18 years old, and now I live in Victoria B.C. I had been a homestay mom for 24 years until last July, and have been going through divorce right now. One year and a little bit have passed since then.
There was a lot of pain, but at the same time, a lot of healing happened as well during this period of time, as those who went through divorce can probably understand how that feels ;).
How I came to take Alan’s life coaching seminar
It was when I just started getting excited about my life that is ahead of me,that
I was guided to Alan’s life coaching seminar. I knew it was for me and I
actually registered right away without reading so much about the course!! It
was a decision made purely from my intuition but I trusted it because my
intuition was never wrong in the past;) ( Yes, including the marriage and the
divorce lol…those were one of the greatest gifts I received in my life called
“following the will and heart of my True Self”…)
I am super excited to be in this course with Alan and all of you, I really am!! It
is truly a blessing that I can start my new life this way and I am ever so
grateful for everything that has happened to me. Without it I wouldn’t be here
now, being able to have this exciting feeling and feel ready for the journey I
am about to go on.
My intention and goal is:
Divorce is only a fraction of events that happened to my life, so many other
hardships I went through as well. However, I ended up being able to make
peace with myself…So, my goal is to be able to continue helping myself, and
also to understand, help and guide others and be there for them with
encouragement and compassion, assuring them if I have made it through,
they will surely make it through as well.
Looking forward to meeting and sharing all the great times with you all !!
Much Love,
Pamela Layton Wagner
Pahoa, Hawaii
My name is Pamela and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone in the program and co-creating magic together.
My personal journey has brought me to a place in my life where I know that everything that I’ve done and all the experiences that I’ve had are exactly what I needed to be brought to this moment. My birthday is in July and before I even knew anything about astrology I felt particularly moved and ruled by the moon. I am highly sensitive, empathic and clairsentient. I didn’t understand that these were gifts, all I knew was that I always felt different. I never felt like I fit in and I struggled in school. I always wanted to be outside where there was space and fresh air. After I was out of HS and not wanting to do the” normal” thing I got a job traveling around the country doing door to sales. This by far was the hardest job I could have picked, yet for some reason I was so determined to figure out how to master it. Once I learned to not take the No personally and to persevere until I found the yes, one day, I walked trough a metaphoric door and I was changed forever. This was my introduction to the law of attraction.
Then, the last 35 yrs I’ve been searching for the thing that was going to bring me answers to the age old question- what is my purpose and why am I here?
I thought my purpose was defined by what I did for a living and that when I found that thing, I would find the key to enlightenment and happiness.
I used what I learned to attract many different things into my life, yet I continued to feel like something was missing. I didn’t know then that the answers wouldn’t be found outside of myself, and remember I’m a crab, so I continued to feel dry in search of water.
The last 2 yrs. I have been gifted the opportunity to find the answers and to return to myself. The end of 2021 my dear friend found out I was going through a traumatic separation from my husband and she invited me to come stay with her on the big island of Hawaii. She said get a one way ticket and stay as long as you want. At the time I was sleeping on my mother sofa and had left the marital home with nothing but 2 suitcases and my pillow. My father lived in Hawaii and after visiting a few times and I always dreamed of returning. So I jumped at the chance and arrived on 12/15/21 in time for Christmas in Paradise.
The next step on my journey was powerful for my transformation! I lived at her retreat center where I began managing the airbnbs and doing massage therapy for the retreat guests. All of the skills I learned throughout my life and and the gifts that I came into the world with started to make sense.
I was meditating more, journaling more, doing more yoga and began savoring life’s beauty, feeling and expressing gratitude for all my experience and learned to find joy in the simple things around me. I started to raise my vibration so I was attracting wonderful people and opportunities to myself.
In addition,I began to shed what no longer served me and started making space for the growth and expansion that was taking place. The more authentic version of myself started to emerge and I learned trust more, to go with the flow, to listen to my heart and to be more transparent and more truthful with myself and those around me. As I did this, my anxiety started to subside, I was sleeping through the night, my auto- immune condition began to heal and for the first time in my life I began to fall in love with myself. By investing in my own well being, I felt the missing pieces falling into place.
Yes, maybe being in Paradise helped but I knew that I was being called to step out of the victim role I put myself in and to embrace the courage I had within to step into a something new. I think my story can help other people to realize that they too have the power and strength within to help them selves.
This journey brought me to place where I was being called to do something with this new found gift. I started asking for guidance on what the next step was for my life. I felt like it was something big but I didn’t know what. I started to get idea that felt more like downloads from my higher self to start a new business. This would entail, helping people in their homes, to create a more peaceful living space and teaching self care.
The seeds for this are still growing, but, I’m also am being called to stand up and do workshops during retreats. This is my biggest fear in the world.
I have no trouble putting my thoughts into writing but in the world ,I constantly feel challenged by negativity and obstacles due to my sensitive and empathic nature. When speaking, taking a pause helps me to gain clarity around a situation and gives me the opportunity to react in a more loving and peaceful way, but when working with a client or during a workshop I don’t always have the time or ability to pause.
However I’m tired of playing small so I’m ready to face this fear.
What I would most like to receive form the program;
To gain tools so I develop the courage to stand up and talk about my transformation, and speak my truth in a loving authentic way.
To gain tools to speak to people one on one and teach them about transformation.
To gain the confidence to face my fears in a supportive container and not take everything so seriously.
To learn to laugh at my self and have fun.
One of the ways I would like to use the life coach skills;
1. One on one speaking and workshops.
2. Help with marketing myself and creating packages with the gifts that I have to offer.
This feels like a lot, yet as I’m sure as it is for everyone, there is so much more to my story.
I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better and supporting you on your journey.
Thank you for the opportunity to share
Radhika Swamiraju
Karnataka, India
Hello Coursemates,
Hope you are well!
I am Dr Radhika, Psychiatrist and Founder of Blossom Mind Wellness Academy. I live in Bengaluru/Bangalore, India.
The mission of Blossom – To help people blossom into their full potential, so that India becomes a super developed nation and the world a superb place to live.
In order to achieve the above mission, first, I need to blossom into my full potential, which is a life long journey. Doing the Holistic Life Coaching, is a step along this journey.
The medical curriculum and practice are focused on illness. It’s high time the medical fraternity and the entire humanity shifts attention to Wellness, which is our natural state.
I wish to learn the practical tools for holistic success – especially skills to build fulfilling relationships.
Looking forward to meeting you all at the exotic retreat.
Warm regards
Rick Allred
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I’m Rick Allred from Santa Fe, New Mexico. I’m currently teaching photography workshops and exploring my own creative expression in various mediums. The reason I love teaching workshops is the teacher/student relationship and how it constantly shifts back and forth – we take turns contributing to each other. That connection and mutual empowerment is a good thing!
Continued growth and development is important to me on my journey through this life. This training seems a great fit for this step along that path. I envision expanding my own levels of listening and being present with people (quieting my monkey mind as much as possible :-). Starting a part-time coaching practice is a possibility that I’m playing with. More importantly, I’d like to bring what I learn in this training to my future workshops to empower people to explore their creative voice, however that shows up for them.
Basically, I’ll keep shining my light out into the world and encouraging others to shine a bit of theirs, too. It’s a joyous partnership.
Rick Allred
Sara Eaton
Seattle, Washington
My name is Sara Eaton, I live in Seattle, Washington and I am loving playing pickleball. I am also an empty nester and I am getting to know the new me that is emerging. After so many years of parenting and tasking as a Capricorn does, I am settling into a new routine.
I have been a couple’s and individual therapist for quite a while. I really love my work and for the past few years, I have been shifting my focus to Life Coaching. I’ve been following Alan’s work, attended some of his online workshops and the open Coaching Sessions on Thursdays.
I am looking forward to joining this group and forming connections with you all. My profession has become isolating, as most of my client sessions are held remotely. And truthfully, coming to the Big Island will be a treat.
I prefer experiential learning, exchanging ideas and life experiences, practice and role plays, and engaging with my fellow participants. Well, obviously, in addition learning from Alan will be an opportunity of a lifetime. My life has taken me through many challenges and it’s brought many gifts. I look forward to meeting you all,
See you soon,
Suzanne Rosengrant
Nolensville, Tennessee
Greetings to everyone!
I am excited to embark on this wonderful journey with all of you.
On this coaching journey, I see myself learning new tools, skills, and practices that will allow me to be of service to my clients in a more profound, meaningful way. Personally, I see myself growing, expanding and embodying my sovereignty at a deeper level, allowing me show up authentically every day, with everyone, including myself.
One of my desires for this coaching program is to gain confidence in my ability to work with groups of people. Currently I work 1:1 with clients doing energy healing and mentoring and find it very fulfilling, yet I want to answer the call to be of service to a larger audience. I am looking forward to learning how to create a safe, sacred container in a group setting while staying calm, centered and grounded which will allow me to listen and follow Divine guidance.
When working 1:1 with clients, at times I find that I am able to sense what my client is experiencing and I understand how they can resolve their “issue,” but I am not always sure how to gently guide them so they can see it, not me telling them how to resolve it. I would like to learn how to facilitate and hold space for this type of healing and integration.
It will be with great joy and enthusiasm to be able to share the skills, wisdom and knowledge that we will have acquired over our six month journey with clients, but also applying it to my personal relationships. The possibilities for growth are unlimited!
I’d like to share a little bit about me. I am married, a mom of three, and a grandmother. I enjoy cooking, reading, dancing, playing with my dog, and yoga. I am an avid learner and find great pleasure learning about people and hearing their life experiences. I am a student of Course in Miracles and found the teaching in 2017 after a terminal cancer diagnosis. It was one of the best things that I have experienced in this lifetime, as it led me to my healing and then being of service to others. I am grateful and proud to say I am healthy, strong and thriving!
I look forward to meeting all of you soon.
Many blessings,
Suzanne Rosengrant
Terri Schumann
Adamstown, Maryland
Love calls everywhere and always
We are sky bound.
Are you coming?
Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
What an amazing invitation: Love calls, and we get to answer! I’m in!
My name is Teresa (Terri) Schumann. I’m 63 years old, a wife, mother and grandmother, writer, lawyer and lifelong learner. I live in a Victorian-era farmhouse in rural Maryland with my husband Rob, our resident cat Hopscotch and my vintage pickup truck named Betsey. I’m excited to embark on this holistic life coach training program with all of you.
I find myself at a crossroads, a new beginning in my life. After 35 years as a courtroom litigator, my life changed dramatically one day when I stepped into an elevator and met the gaze of the man who would become my husband. The energy was incredible; I knew Source was calling me to step forward into a new adventure, with him, with myself. That adventure led to a late-life marriage, complete with beautiful children and grandchildren and a big opinionated German family I now call my own. My house is regularly filled with family, debating and laughing…the music of belonging, the soundtrack of Home.
Simultaneously with my recent marriage, I retired from the practice of law. Being a lawyer had its moments—I loved the thrill of standing up in court and directing my all energy into a well-crafted argument, persuading a judge with words and intention alone. A federal judge once saw me at a judicial conference and asked “Terri, are you a spiritual person?” I answered “Yes Your Honor, I am, but how do you know that?” to which he replied “When you come into my courtroom, everything changes; everything feels different.”
That different feeling is the feeling of energy, our personal signature in an impersonal world. I knew I had strong vivid energy—gleaned from a life of spiritual practice—but how gratifying to know that the judge could feel it! How meaningful to realize we contribute more to the world than our words or actions alone.
After marriage and retirement in 2019, I took time to let go of my old life. Time to savor, time to heal, time to allow my new self to emerge. I noticed the things that called to me, and paid attention to what brought me joy. I cared for my brother during his bout with lung cancer, seeing him as whole, laughing at his cancer jokes. I cherished a dying neighbor and savored stories of his Irish upbringing, seeing him as alive and thriving. My bonus daughter Kelly asked me to meet with her and her husband to help them learn to be affirming, and I held the vision of their marriage, strong and resilient.
I enjoyed these one-on-one encounters so much: Listening. Bearing witness. Holding love around the other person, letting that love work its magic. Eventually I realized that holistic life coaching was the next path for me, a path of service, a path of Love.
My goal in entering this program is to emerge a holistic life coach, to use that learning in my life and with future clients in the life coaching business I will build and attract. I see myself working with women, with the LGBTQ+ community, with the dying, with those in transition, holding their vision as my own, letting my love invite them in. I see myself flinging the doors and windows open wide, giving all my love away.
As for all of you, we are already connected because this group is divinely selected and organized. I will contribute my energy to our program, and will cherish each one of you and your goals, seeing them vividly, holding them dearly.
I love you all already. Let’s say Yes to Love!
Tomoe Watashiba
Harjumaa, Estonia
I have been fascinated by the potential of coaching for creating dialogue, healing, and empowerment among people. This program is a wonderful opportunity for me to personally transform, be reinvigorated, and heal, but also to learn new methods and skills that I can employ in my professional, academic, and personal contributions. I am grateful for being part of this group and sincerely look forward to new interactions and encounters with all of you.