Finding Soul Fulfillment in All Your Relationships
Relationships afford us some of the greatest joys in life, and also present us with challenges.
In this online course we will shine the light on why relationships have been difficult for many of us, and – more importantly – how to use all of our relationships to enhance our spiritual growth, and connect more deeply with those we love.
Alan will offer many holistic tools to generate practical results in all kinds of relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, pets, family relations, and business situations.
Each webinar includes a lecture, real-life examples, brief coaching, Q&A (pre-recorded), and guided visualization.
If you are ready to go to your next level and claim your right and power to enjoy all of your connections, this highly-focused program will give you the insights and skills to do that.
You will learn how to make hard relationships good, and good relationships better.
Topics include:
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This course and its materials will be available to you for one year from the date of purchase. Please be sure to download any materials you wish to retain for future use prior to that date. Thank you!
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